TSP is a leading enterprise in the field of providing security and smart solutions for buildings, including smart parking systems, smart homes, security-protection services... With the motto "Customer satisfaction is our top priority", We provide tailored solutions to suit the needs of Customers.

Specialized solutions for Customers

TSP provides a variety of different security-protection solutions and smart systems. Customers can choose the solution that suits the needs of the businesses.

Security solutions for buildings and businesses

In places with a large flow of people entering and exiting such as office buildings, shopping centers, apartments, etc., security and protection control become even more important. Professional security solutions bring peace of mind to those who come to stay and work and bring a good image to the buildings.

    • 24/7 security monitoring with security camera systems, alarm systems, smart access control systems...
    • Professional security team.
    • Smart security systems and automated processes help save costs and improve protection efficiency.
    • Smart parking systems with sensor systems, security cameras and automatic equipment.
    • Internal security: professional security, patrol systems, control systems...
    • Peripheral security: fence systems, electronic protection systems...


TSP undertakes security duties at the British Council

Provide security and protection personnel

To be able to provide the best solution packages and maintain our leading position in the market, TSP focuses on training security guards with solid expertise in the security-protection industry and several skills such as skills in fire prevention and fighting, skills in handling situations, skills in using high-tech equipment systems...

    • Skilled security personnel who have gentle attitudes and are well-equipped are good at handling situations.
    • Protect important people flexibly and professionally, closely follow and escort protected them safely.
    • Control access and protect security at buildings, factories, enterprises, commercial centers, residential areas...
    • Protect the safety of people, property, goods... Monitor, detect and prevent violations of the law, theft...
    • Control and operate fire prevention and fighting systems.

Smart security management solutions

We equip our staff with specialized, modern equipment and provide optimal management solutions to improve service quality as well as optimize human resources and save time and costs for Customers.

    • CCTV systems.
    • Elevator stratification systems.
    • Smart access control systems, supporting facial and fingerprint recognition.
    • Internal communication systems.
    • Alarm systems, automatic fire protection systems inside the building...
    • Smart home solutions.

TSP provides smart home solutions for comfortable living in Golden City

Smart parking solutions

TSP provides smart parking solutions from exploitation to providing parking management-operation personnel, with a combination of advanced technology and modern equipment. We build and design smart parking lots according to flexible criteria, suitable to the actual situation of the projects and bring the best experience to users.

    • Access control system with magnetic cards, RFID cards...
    • Surveillance camera systems and sensors.
    • Automatic toll collection systems, helping to save time and costs.

Why should you choose security-protection solutions from TSP?

TSP provides comprehensive security-protection solutions and smart systems for high-end buildings, shopping centers, apartments, airports, hospitals, etc. TSP provides solutions with optimal operating procedures, modern equipment, professional staff and timely solutions in emergencies, aiming to ensure safety and bring satisfaction to Customers. TSP's solutions not only ensure comprehensiveness but are also tailored to the needs of Customers, suitable to the specific situation of each project. Besides, We support and answer Customers' questions through the 24/7 Call Center system and ERP management system.

TSP always learns about Customers' needs and updates the latest technology trends to be able to provide customers with appropriate solutions that meet their needs and bring high efficiency. We tailor solutions to fit Customers' needs, provide safety, help protect assets and provide the best service experience. With experience working with many major partners in Vietnam, Customers can rest assured about TSP's service quality. Please contact us immediately via the information below to receive support and advice suitable for your business.


Contact information


📌 Address: 2nd Floor, Rosana Tower, 60 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Da Kao Ward, District 1, HCMC

📞 Hotline: 0909 411 885

📧 Email: Cs@tsp.com.vn

📌 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tsp.com.vn

📌 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tsp-smartparking