TSP Provides Security Personnel For The Office Area Of Heineken Da Nang Brewery

TSP provides security personnel for the office area of ​​Heineken Da Nang Brewery located in Hoa Khanh Industrial Park, Da Nang City. The project continues to prove TSP's position among the leading providers of protection and security solutions.

Introduction to the Heineken Brewery Project

Heineken is the world's leading beer corporation and one of the favorite international premium beer brands in Vietnam. The factory has a total area of ​​7.7 hectares, located in Hoa Khanh Industrial Park, Lien Chieu, Da Nang. Heineken Da Nang factory achieved ISO certification for quality, food and environmental safety. Since 2014, the factory has been recognized as one of the top 5 most efficient water users in the Heineken brewery system, equal to factories in Portugal, Mexico and the United Kingdom. 

As one of the leading modern factories, every step in the management and operation process of the Heineken brewery meets the highest standards demonstrating meticulousness and professionalism. Even the smallest activities need attention, including ensuring security.

In particular, the office area at the factory has a large number of people, with Customers, Partners and the public often coming to visit and work. This is where many valuable assets and documents are stored, requiring a professional security team. The selection of a security service provider is carefully considered, requiring professional standards and skills such as communication, situation handling, fire prevention, etc. TSP met all the requirements set out by the Board of Directors, becoming the provider of security personnel for the office area at Heineken Da Nang Brewery.

nhân sự tại dự án

Factory security guards are fully trained in professional skills

TSP provides security personnel at the Heineken Da Nang factory office area

To best implement the project, TSP coordinated with the Heineken factory to conduct surveys, establish optimal protection plans and deploy tasks suitable to the characteristics of the factory. Security personnel are carefully selected and trained to fit action plans and actual situations. In addition, security guards are fully equipped to work effectively and always ready to respond when situations arise. 


TSP accompanies Heineken to ensure security at the factory office area

The employees in the security team quickly absorbed the work according to the plan, demonstrating professional behavior. With the highest determination, We bring satisfaction in quality and peace of mind about security to Customers. Some security activities at the Heineken Da Nang factory office area include:

  • Ensure safety - security and smooth operations.

  • Maintain activities to monitor the entry and exit situation of employees or visitors.

  • Regularly patrol and monitor security, prevent accidents, fires, explosions, theft... especially theft of factory assets and documents.

TSP - Leading provider of security and protection solutions

TSP has many years of experience in the field of providing security personnel who are selected and fully trained in skills, from self-defense and situation handling to fire prevention and rescue skills. A strong team of security guards with a high sense of responsibility meets all needs in terms of quantity and quality.

In addition, TSP is a complete solution provider of security-protection services, smart systems, smart parking, and smart equipment for high-end buildings, shopping centers, complexes, supermarkets, factories, airports... To improve service quality and Customer experience, TSP also builds and designs specialized operating plans, suitable for the characteristics of the project, minimizing unwanted problems. We are always ready to support Customers 24/7 through the Call Center system, bringing the highest Customer satisfaction.

bãi xe thông minh của TSP-01

TSP provides a complete package of security and protection solutions, smart parking and smart systems

TSP becoming the Security Personnel Supplier for the office area of ​​the Heineken factory marks a new milestone in the development process. With the trust of Customers, TSP will always do our best to provide services with outstanding quality, ensuring maximum security and safety.


Contact information


Address: 2nd Floor, Rosana Tower, 60 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Da Kao Ward, District 1, HCMC

Hotline: 0909 411 885

Email: Cs@tsp.com.vn 

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tsp-smartparking 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tsp.com.vn